Large Scale Planting for Garden in Leeds
A very large garden with large scale planting in Leeds.
Striking block planting with formal pond in large lawn
Striking purple/blue salvia
Tall grasses in large blocks for Winter interest
View across the garden
Tall purple Miscanthus flowers
Linking path through lawn
Modern water feature with stepping stones
Soft pink of Lythrum salicaria 'Blush'
The garden build in progress.
This large garden in Leeds, Yorkshire, was originally a large area of lawn with some shrub planting around the garden. Our clients were adding a large conservatory extension to the house which altered the shape and size of the garden. The new conservatory extension was to be integrated into the new landscaped garden with a water feature and stong planting element. The scale of the garden allowed for large sweeping blocks of planting which gave a dramatic and modern feel to the garden. Ornamental grasses were planted with richly coloured perennials and a feature ornamental tree.
The landscaped garden incorporates a modern water feature with simple stepping stones path running through the lawn and the pond.